Course curriculum

    1. Day 0: Welcome and What We'll Accomplish (Learning Objectives: Video)

    2. Day 0: "Top Ten Terms in Statistical Mechanics" - An Overview (PDF Link)

    3. Day 0: Resources (Book Chapters and Papers; LINKS)

    1. Day 1: What You'll Learn in This Course (Video)

    2. Day 1: Introduction and Overview (PDF)

    3. Day 1: Resource - The Seven Key Equations Used in Generative AI (PDF of Single Slide)

    4. Day 1: Resource - Salakhutdinov and Hinton (2012) (Citation & Link)

    5. Day 1: "How to Learn Energy-Based Neural Networks" (YouTube Link; Extra Resource for Day 1 Exercise)

    6. Day 1: Exercise 1: Read Intro of S&H (2012); Identify Key Terms

    7. Day 1: Support for Day 1 Exercise 1: Identify Key Terms in Par. 1, S&H (2012) (PDF)

    8. Day 1: Exercise 2: COPY DOWN and ANNOTATE the Material in the "Seven Equations" Slide

    1. Day 2: Thermodynamics (Video)

    2. Day 2: Thermodynamics (PDF)

    3. Day 2: Exercise: Thermodynamics Reflections (PDF)

    1. Day 3: Free Energy (Video)

    2. Day 3: Free Energy Overview (PDF)

    3. Day 3: S&H 2012 Paragraph 1 (Decoded) (Video)

    4. Day 3: S&H 2012 Paragraph 1 (Decoded) (PDF)

    5. Day 3: Supplemental - Hinton Describing (Restricted) Boltzmann Machines (Links to Hinton's Slidedecks)

    6. Day 3: Free Energy Exercises and Reading (PDF)

    1. Day 4: Enthalpy (Video)

    2. Day 4: Enthalpy (PDF)

    3. Day 4: Enthalpy Reading Assignment - SMNNAI (book) Chapter 9: Hopfield and Boltzmann Machine

    4. Day 4: Enthalpy - Supplemental Video (YouTube Link - "The Matrix: Framework for a New Class of Neural Networks")

    5. Day 4: Enthalpy - Supplemental Reading (Blogpost Link - "When a Classifier ...")

    6. Day 4: Enthalpy Exercise (Reflection and Play)

    1. Day 5: Entropy (Video)

    2. Day 5: Entropy Analogy (Light, Fun) (Supplemental Video)

    3. Day 5: Entropy (PDF)

    4. Day 5: Entropy: Tutorial (Blogpost Link - "Wrapping Our Heads around Entropy")

    5. Day 5: Entropy: PDF of "Wrapping Our Heads around Entropy" Blogpost (Supplemental PDF)

    6. Day 5: Entropy: Interesting/Useful Tutorial (Supplemental Blogpost Link - "What We Really Need to Know about Entropy")

    7. Day 5: Entropy: Exercise (Map the Entropy Function)

About this course

  • $1,725.00
  • 79 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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